Beggar King: The Return of Odysseus
PUBLISHER: James a Rock
PUBLICATION DATE: January 1, 2008
ISBN 10: 1596636610
ISBN 13: 978-1596636613
Home at last, Odysseus must use every trick he knows to win back his throne. The story of Odysseus and his return home from Troy is over three thousand years old. Homer's epic poem has been translated hundreds of times, put into prose, made into movies and inspired artists from Tennyson to the Coen Brothers, but no book or movie has told the story behind the legend. What was Odysseus like as a man, his fears and doubts, and how did the mind of one of the cleverest Greek heroes really work? Set in 1214 BC in Ancient Greece, the story is a behind-the-scenes retelling of the epic tale of Odysseus and his return home to Ithaca after eighteen years of war and wandering. This is the story of the Beggar King-the account of an all-too-human man who pleads with the gods, lies and schemes, plots and fights in a desperate attempt to reclaim all that he has lost. Yet beneath the action, the Beggar King is about the nobleness of the human soul, about a man's great love for a woman and his search for forgiveness. It is, after the smoke clears and the clash of swords fades, the story of spiritual redemption.